The Centers of the Excellence are hosted by major research universities throughout the United States. The Centers’ mission statement consists in expanding and diversifying cooperation and partnerships between American and French higher-education institutions in supporting joint research programs, student mobility, and visiting faculty exchanges. In hosting seminars, lectures, roundtables, festivals, and debates on France and the Francophone World, the Centers contribute to the development of French and Francophone studies on American campuses, and beyond that, to all forms of scholarship related to the language, culture, history and politics of Francophone countries. Their approach is multidisciplinary and encompasses all social sciences and humanities.
The Centers, by broadening and diversifying the cultural, pedagogical and research offer on France and the Francophone World on campuses, aim at generating more interest from the students––both undergraduate and graduate––in French Studies, but also at reinforcing the institutional visibility of the discipline beyond all centers, departments, or schools which focus on the study of Francophone countries.
Each center counts a critical mass of scholars involved in research projects and didactics touching upon France and the Francophone World. Villa Albertine, the French Institute for Culture and Education, supports the centers through an annual grant and each year fund research projects, cultural events and pedagogical endeavors in the field.
Albertine Foundation Grant Programs:
- French for All
- Higher Education
- Albertine Grants & Albertine Cinémathèque
- TAPIF - Teaching Assistant Program in France

Campus France
For 25 years, France has been the premier tourist destination in the world. Now, it is one of the top higher education destinations for US students.
Every French region has its specificities. By studying in France, you will discover a diverse country with a rich and multi-cultural history.
Federation des Alliances françaises aux Etats Unis

The Alliance Française is the place to learn and immerse yourself in all things French. We are a dynamic network of local, independent chapters passionate about promoting the French language and celebrating francophone cultures. The 100+ chapters in the United States are part of an international organization of more than 800 affiliates located on every continent. At your local Alliance, you’ll find a community of francophones and francophiles who are eager to share the beautiful French language, culture and history with you.
Venez célébrer le français avec nous!

The Department of French & Italian (FRIT) of the College of Arts and Sciences administers the French Center of Excellence.
The Center's staff are primarily FRIT faculty members that foster long-standing ties with other campus Departments, such as:
- Department of African American and African Studies
- Department of Classics
- Department of Comparative Studies
- Department of History
- Department of Near Eastern Languages and Cultures
- Department of Philosophy
- Department of Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Members of the FRIT community (Faculty, Associated Faculty, Affiliated Faculty in French and Francophone Studies, Undergraduate and Graduate Students) are welcome to contribute project proposals aligned with the Center’s goals and main research themes.
- Benjamin Hoffmann (hoffmann.312@osu.edu)
- College of Arts & Sciences Designated Professor of French & Francophone Literature & Director of the Center of Excellence
- Sarah-Grace Heller (heller.64@osu.edu)
- Chair, Department of French & Italian & Associate Professor of French & Francophone Studies
- Jennifer Willging (willging.1@osu.edu)
- Associate Professor of French & Francophone Studies
- Matthew C. Lang (lang.650@osu.edu)
- Center Administrator & Senior Academic Program Coordinator
- Contemporary French & Francophone Literature
- Mediterranean Studies
- Film & Media Studies
- Comparative Literature & History
- Dance Studies
- History of Art
- History of Fashion
- Québec Studies
- Theater Studies
- Music
- Political Science
- Sociology
- Anthropology
- Women’s, Gender, & Sexuality Studies
The French Center for Excellence aims to promote French & Francophone Literature and Culture in the Midwest.
Currently, its main goal is to foster a writing residency for French-speaking novelists named “The Jules Verne Writing Residency at Ohio State”.
Writers selected for the residency will spend a period of two weeks to a month in Columbus, during which they will work on a literary project while contributing to classes at Ohio State and giving lectures to the Ohio State and Columbus communities.
In addition, the French Center of Excellence invites ambitious project proposals relating to France and the Francophone World. We are especially interested in projects about contemporary French & Francophone literature.
We also encourage projects focused on student enrollment in French studies or mobility to France; as well as interdisciplinary projects on the dissemination of French/Francophone scholarship in the United States.
Finally, we welcome the creation of joint research endeavors between Ohio State and French academic institutions.
Please contact the Director for more information on how to submit a proposal.