Jennifer Willging


Jennifer Willging

Associate Professor of French

213 Hagerty Hall
1775 College Road,
Columbus, OH 43210

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Office Hours

Areas of Expertise

  • 20th- & 21st-century French literature and culture
  • France and the Second World War
  • French-American cultural relations


  • Ph.D. in French, Northwestern University, 2000
  • B.A. in History, Washington University in St. Louis, 1991

Jennifer Willging is an Associate Professor of French in the Department of French & Italian. She specializes in 20th- and 21st-century French literature and culture with particular interests in Second World War France, postwar narrative, and contemporary French-American cultural relations. Her book, on anxiety in postwar women's writing in French (Telling Anxiety), was published by the University of Toronto Press in 2007. She has also published essays on narrative voice in Duras and Ernaux; on intertextuality in Duras, CĂ©line, Sarraute, Sartre, and Paule Constant; and on cultural shifts in contemporary France among other topics.

